Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 14: January 14, 2011

I'm beginning to think that my car is invisible.  Twice this week, I've had someone pull out in front of my as I was leaving my neighborhood.  I slid to a stop on the ice both times.  Today, as I was heading south on Cleveland, slowing and signaling to turn on 9th St., this car comes out of the bank parking lot, crosses all lanes of traffic, and almost hits me.  I honked as I squeaked past and turned.  What was that jerk thinking?!  He almost gave me a heart attack!  I shook an angry fist and pulled into my chiropractor's parking lot.  The guy drove past, turned onto Lincoln and was gone.  At least the 2nd car that pulled out in front of me waved his apology.

I think it's because my car is white.  It blends in with the snow.  Or maybe it's just the fact that every other driver on the road is a moron.  Yes, I think that might be it!

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