Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 272: September 29, 2011

It was so nice to sleep in my own bed again!!!

Went to Fort Collins to return a book, then went to work.  I worked all afternoon and then had rehearsal tonight.

Back to the grind!!

Day 271: September 28, 2011

We went to the temple again in the morning to take some pictures, then we headed for home.  We stopped at the Little Big Horn Battlefield Monument (aka Custer's Last Stand).  We didn't stay for very long, but it was very cool to visit there.  It's basically a big graveyard now.

We got back home at 5:30 pm, making the entire trip exactly 60 hours.  Oy!

Had dinner at Mom & Dad's, trying to extend the vacation as long as possible!

Day 270: September 27, 2011

We went back to Mount Rushmore and went on the Presidential Walk, which takes you down to the practically the base of the monument.  Super cool!

Then we hit the road again and went to Billings, Montana.  We did two sessions at the Billings Temple, which is BEAUTIFUL!!!

We spent the night in Billings.

(For a full trip synopsis, visit my main blog: Angela's Rambles)

Day 269: September 26, 2011

We left at O'Dark Thirty this morning (aka 5:30 am) on our trip!  We drove to South Dakota.  First stop was the Crazy Horse Memorial (which is GINORMOUS!!!) and then we went to Mount Rushmore.  The drive in between those two was the Needles Highway.   It was super cool!!

We spent the night in Keystone, SD.

(For a full trip synopsis, visit my main blog: Angela's Rambles)

Day 268: September 25, 2011

We sang "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" in the Twin Peaks Ward and the Wellington Ward today!  I sang Soprano the first time and Alto the second time.  Talk about being flexible!

Dinner at Craig & Robin's and then went to Shauna's to watch The Amazing Race.

Spent the night at Mom & Dad's so we can leave early tomorrow morning!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 267: September 24, 2011

I got a lot done today!  That's easy, when I get up early on a Saturday when I'd rather be sleeping in.  But I had a ton to do, soooooo...

I got all of my laundry done, got pack (mostly) for our trip next week, made my bean dip, picked up and deposited my pay check, went to Moroni Books, and went to Albertsons.

Tonight we went down to Denver for Lily's 1st birthday party!  A lot of fun!  It was crazy trying to keep the kids out of the pool, though.  Especially George!!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 266: September 23, 2011

Work.  Work.  Grocery shopping.  Watched a movie.

I lead such an exciting life.  Or not.

Day 265: September 22, 2011

Felt a little better today.  Went to work, then home, then rehearsal.  That's about it.

Day 264: September 21, 2011

Grrr for feeling sick.  I lacked so much motivation today, but finally got up and went to work.

I got my new glasses today.  I didn't realize when I picked them out just how much they are like a pair I've had before.  Oh, well!  They are cute!  I like them!  And I can see better.  Huzzah!!!

Day 263: September 20, 2011

Not much to report today.  I worked.  I'm coming down with a sinus infection, but I'm not going down without a fight!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 262: September 19, 2011

Tis Talk Like a Pirate Day!  Not blog like a Pirate Day, so I won't be writing in pirate speak.

I went to the eye doctor this morning.  I have to get new glasses and contacts because the astigmatism in my left eye has gotten way worse.  Wonderful.  I wanted new glasses, but they are expensive and I wasn't going to get them if my prescription was staying the same.  But it's not.  So I get new frames.  Just spending a lot more than I had hoped.  Oh, well.  Seeing is a good thing.

Worked all afternoon and then went to see "The Help" tonight.  I just finished the book on Friday.  The movie is fantastic!  It's weird to see the movie of a book right after you finish the book, though.  So many comparisons!  When it's been awhile since I have read the book, I can't remember as much.  Oh, well!

Day 261: September 18, 2011

Today was International Talk Like a Pirate Day (Observed).  We partied today because it was more convenient.  We had some great food and recorded our Official Talk Like a Pirate Day song!! 

Aye 'twere a grand pirate party indeed!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 260: September 17, 2011

Ah, the first Saturday in awhile where I didn't have to go anywhere.  It was nice!  I finally got my room cleaned! 

Went out in search of seaweed for my seaweed salad.  I think it's going to be good tomorrow!!!

Babysat the kiddos tonight!  Crazy, silly, adorable little munchkins!

Day 259: September 16, 2011

Ummm...worked.  Came home.  Watched Criminal Minds.  Yay, Friday!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 258: September 15, 2011

I slept in until 9:30.  Mmmmmm....that was divine!

Worked all afternoon, rehearsal tonight.  This seems to be the pattern of my life.

Day 257: September 14, 2011

Felt sick all day.  Ugh.  But it's not full on sick.  Just under the weather blah.  So I can't justify staying home.  Stupid sinuses....I know this is you.

We had Northern Colorado Seniors Got Talent at the theater today.  I didn't get to see all of the acts.  Hardly any, really.  But I did see a yodeler who was amazing!  They also had a dessert contest and I got to try some of them.  SO GOOD!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 256: September 13, 2011

Well, today was interesting at work.  With a half hour left, the phones and internet went down.  We literally could not take any calls, but people were still stacking up in the call queue.  We felt really bad, but there was nothing we could do!

I'm still feeling sick.  I hope I can get over whatever this is without too much fuss.  I'm too busy to be sick!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 255: September 12, 2011

Felt a little better earlier today, but feeling sickish again tonight.  Boo.

Worked all afternoon.  Amazing how much I can get done in 5 1/2 hours!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 254: September 11, 2011

The 10th Anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks EVER on American soil.  I will NEVER FORGET that day!!!

I listened to some of my Candlelight co-workers be interviewed on the radio on my way to church.  I was late for choir, because I was sitting in my car listening to the interview.  I missed the last segment, but I didn't miss Brian talking about Shauna and her air brakes on the Big River raft.

I've been laying low all afternoon, since I got home from church.  I don't feel great.  I feel like I'm coming down with something.  Boo.

Day 253: September 10, 2011

Great day!!!  But EXHAUSTING!!

We left early and went down to Ikea.  I love that store!  It's an EXPERIENCE, not just a shopping trip.  Mom and Dad had never been there.  I am excited to go back and get some food there sometime. 

Then we went to the Rockies game!  Dad was singing the national anthem with the Colorado Mormon Chorale, so we all went to the game!  It was SO FREAKING HOT!  We were in the sun the whole time.  They said it was 73, but that was in the shade apparently.  It felt like 100 degrees in the sun.  I'm surprised we didn't melt!  The game was great, though.  Rockies won 12-7.  Aaaaaaand...we got on the jumbo tron!  We didn't think that they got people on the 3rd deck where we were, but then we saw a guy that was a few sections over from us.  We we started dancing around.  The main thing they got was George jumping/dancing around on Craig's lap.  George ALSO got a foul ball!  No, he didn't catch it.  When they were walking out, he was up on Craig's shoulders and he was singing the Dinosaur Train song at the top of his lungs.  A guy walking near them laughed and handed him the ball.  So basically, George had the baseball game of his life, and he's only 2.  He won't remember!

Got home and was exhausted.  Discovered my slight, wacky sunburn.  Not too bad, though.  Huzzah for 50 spf sunscreen!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 252: September 9, 2011

Chiropractor early this morning, then grocery store.  Then home to put the groceries away.  Then to the theater to pick up my check (since Shauna forgot to get it).  Then.....


Otherwise known as "Highlands".  Shauna and I went up there.  Had a great time wandering around looking at all the stuff.  The best stuff of which we could not afford.  I had Steak on a Stick and a Deep Fried Mars Bar.  (My stomach is still recovering from the latter.)

We watched the heavy armor jousting.  That was SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  They were even getting on the horses and armoring up right in front of us!  (We were sitting on the front row.) 

Good day!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 251: September 8, 2011

I slept in until 9:30 am this morning!  Wonderful!!! This can mean one of two things:  I really needed the extra sleep.  Or I'm coming down with something.  Or....both.  I really hope it's the first thing!!!  I don't have time to get sick!!

Worked for LOT all afternoon and rehearsed for the Gala tonight.

Day 250: September 7, 2011

Work was almost as busy today as it was yesterday!  Thanks, Living Social.  You are your half-price tickets to our show.  Everyone calls right away to make their reservations.

I went to Greeley tonight to the UCDT.  They are opening The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee on Friday.  They needed people to come to their dress rehearsals to be the guest spellers.  Shauna was supposed to go with me, but she got sick.  So Neal went instead!  We had a lot of fun. That is such a funny show! 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 249: September 6, 2011

What a crazy, busy day at work today!  The phone was ringing off the hook all morning!  Usually it quiets down around noon on Tuesdays, but it kept on going!  It wasn't until 3:30 or 4 that we could actually take the time to do some other stuff.  CRAZY!!!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 248: September 5, 2011

Another early morning, thanks to kids who can't sleep when it's not dark out.  And the sun comes up awfully early! 

We hiked up to Homestead Meadows.  I had forgotten how difficult portions of that hike are.  And we took the kids.  It was even harder for them!  My feet are still killing me!  I am going to be SO stiff and sore tomorrow!!

We got away around 4 pm.  I'm going to miss being in the mountains.  I do love it there.  But I don't love not showering for 4 days.  Felt good to get cleaned up when I got home!!!  And now....back to reality.  (Reality being 33 e-mails waiting for me.  Ugh....)

Day 247: September 4, 2011

Craig & Robin & Leanna and all the kids left by 9:00 am to go to church.  It was just Mom, Dad, & me at the cabin for most of the day.  So relaxing!  I spent much of the day sitting on the porch reading and listening to my iPod.  That was after I went back to bed for a 3 hour nap.  (I needed more sleep.  All of those kids cried at one point or the other the past 2 nights.  And my ear plugs do not block out kids screaming/crying.)

The gang came back around 6, plus Jake.  Shauna, Neal, & Amanda turned up not too long after that!  We were breaking all kinds of rules.  We had more people in the cabin than you're supposed to and we had more cars parked that than you're supposed to, but nobody said boo.  Score!

Day 246: September 3, 2011

I had shared one of the top bunks in the cabin with George.  He woke up at about 6:00 and tried to get me to wake up by sitting on my face.  I did NOT want to get up that early, but oh, well!

We hiked around Lily Lake.  Such a beautiful lake!  And lots of ducks.  I was walking with Emily and I was startled by a snake in the grass.  I screamed (because it startled me) which made Emily scream.  Robin was walking behind us.  She said it was pretty funny.

We pretty much chilled for the rest of the day.  Well, as much as you can chill when you're chasing that many kids around.

Day 245: September 2, 2011

Went to work much earlier than usual.  We had a TON to do to get ready for the Gala.  I worked straight through until 3 and then headed over to my parents' house.  Time to go CAMPING!!!!

We made it up to Hermit Park around dinner time and got everything situated as quickly as we could so we wouldn't have to do it in the dark.  While we were cooking dinner, the ranger came by to tell us that there was a bear in the area.  No big deal, right?  If we saw him, we'd just drop everything and run inside.  Well, Emily FREAKED out and was just certain that the bear was going to eat her.  We finally got her calmed down enough to come out of the cabin.  Poor kid!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 244: September 1, 2011

Long day.  Ugh.  I feel like all I did was work!!!  When I got off from work at the theater, I went immediately to the post office and then to Juliana's.  I was there for an hour before going to grab dinner on my way to rehearsal.  After rehearsal, I had to go grocery shopping for our camping trip.  I'm still not totally ready to go and I have to go to work early tomorrow.  This is going to be interesting.  I feel like I'm running myself ragged this week.  It will just make me appreciate my vacation more.  Right?