Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 212: July 31, 2011

Operation Secret Kumquat was a success!  We sang "The Lord Bless You and Keep You" in the Lakeside Ward today without the prior knowledge of our parents and grandparents!  To read more about that, read this:  Operation Secret Kumquat Blog

I went to callbacks for Scrooge tonight.  I did only marginally well on the dance audition.  Then I read once in one scene and then sat around for 2 hours before I was released to go.  I missed all of the fun games at Grandpa's birthday party.  :(

Today is Grandpa Milligan's 97th Birthday!!!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 211: July 30, 2011

Long day!  I didn't sleep well last night, but I had to get up kinda on the early side to get a bunch of stuff done before I went to work.  Well, I didn't get even half of that stuff done.  Oh, well.  Cleaning will have to wait.

Worked all afternoon.  We had a matinee today, so that always makes things interesting in the box office.  But we survived!  Craig & Robin & the kids came to see the show.  George got a little restless, so he had to come sit with me in the box office for awhile.  Luckily, I could get Blues Clues on Netflix Instant Streaming, so he watched that for awhile.  Then Mom & Dad came to get him.

Dinner at Donna & Randy's.  Steve & Shannon are in town this weekend!

Day 210: July 29, 2011

Worked all day.  And by all day, I mean from 10 am to 7:30 pm!  Oi!!!  It's fun to work Will Call, but it makes for a long day.

I went to a church activity tonight!  GASP!!!!  It was Glow in the Dark Bowling with the Northern Colorado Mid-Singles.  I had a lot of fun!  I'm not very good at bowling but I still have fun doing it.  We went out to Sonic afterwards.  Had a good time!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 209: July 28, 2011

Sleeping great it is!!  I got my laundry done.  (Shoot...I just remembered that I didn't put it away.  It's all over my bed.  *sigh*)

Worked all afternoon.  Didn't eat lunch.  I need to stop doing that...the not eating lunch thing.

Drove around all over the place trying to find cheap avocados.  No such luck.  I finally got them 4 for $5.  That's way too expensive.  Boo!!!

Found out that I for sure made callbacks for Scrooge.  I'm called back for Ensemble.  Meaning...I need to do really well in the dance audition on Sunday night.  Fat chance of THAT happening.  Plus, I've seen who I'm up against.  They have ALL been cast there before.  And they can all dance.  UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!  Happy thoughts, happy thought, happy thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 208: July 27, 2011

Just another, work, voice lesson, home.

I did find out that a gig I had scheduled for 2 weeks from today was cancelled.  Thank GOODNESS!!!  I'm not ready to sing that song in public just yet.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 207: July 26, 2011

Just another day at work!  There were flies EVERYWHERE!  I spent quite a bit of time stalking them with a fly swatter today.  I even scared one to death.  That was pretty funny.  This one was on the window and I took a swing at him.  I obviously missed him (Dave and Bobbi were both watching me do this) but the fly just dropped.  We decided that I scared him.  Although, I probably just clipped him a little.  Dave did the same thing to a fly later in the day.  It looked like his missed, but the fly dropped.  Flies are strange, annoying little buggers.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 206: July 25, 2011

This has been a really long day!!!  I can usually sleep in on Monday mornings, but I had a hair appointment at 9 am, so I had to get up early!

So, I got my hairs did.  I now have bangs!  I've been thinking about them for awhile and decided to just go for it!  If I don't like it, I'll just grow them out.  No biggie!

I found out last night that I had to have a meeting at 5:00 today, so that meant that I had to reschedule my Scrooge audition.  I was supposed to audition at 5:25, and that obviously wasn't going to work.  Since I've been looking at the audition sign-up sheet pretty much every day for 2 weeks, I knew when the openings were, so I just went out to the theater early.  I was able to do my audition at about 1:45.  I think it went pretty well!  Peter already asked me to come to call backs, so that's a good sign.  I'm going to have to miss Grandpa's birthday dinner to go, though.  That's a bummer.

Once I got done at the theater, I went home and changed and then went to work for the rest of the afternoon.  Then I went grocery shopping and went home.  It's been really nice to just sit here at my desk all evening, doing nothing.  I haven't "done nothing" in a long time.  I've missed it.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 205: July 24, 2011

Started off the day early!  Had to be to church by 9:30 for a rehearsal.  My friend Emma sang in church today and I accompanied her.  The ONLY time we could practice was before church.  Sounded great! 

Closing day of The Sound of Music.  Bittersweet.  It's been a little stressful for me, what with the bizarre illnesses and all...but I did have a fun time with the show!  It turned out splendidly!  I'm so glad that I did it.  I kind of wish I could do one more show, but I'm also a little glad it's over.  Time to move on to the next thing!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 204: July 23, 2011

Sleeping in until 10 am is heavenly.  Just sayin'.

I worked all afternoon.  I hate working on Saturdays, but it's I do it when I have to!

The show went pretty well tonight.  I did NOT make the same mistake that I did last night, so I consider that to be a personal victory.  Only one more show to go!!

Day 203: July 22, 2011

Worked all day.  I kept thinking it was Saturday.  Weird.

2nd weekend of The Sound of Music.  I had a brain fart onstage during my scene with Maria in the bedroom.  I'm supposed to be straightening the curtains while I'm talking to her.  Well, she was talking and I was supposed to cut her off, but I was focused on the curtains (because Britni had told me to make sure they looked okay.)  Suddenly, I realized that Cathy was trailing off and I said the first thing that came to mind, which was my previous line.  NOT the line I was supposed to say.  There was silence for what seemed like a millennium, but was actually probably about 3 seconds.  Then I said my correct line and we moved on.  UGH!!!  I hate it when that happens.  Especially when it's being filmed.  Which it was tonight.  Luckily, Mikeal told me that he would edit in the same scene from last week when I did it right.  Thank GOODNESS!!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 202: July 21, 2011

Well, this day was incredibly bizarre!  When I got to work this morning, the electricity at the theatre was going crazy.  Some things worked, some things didn't...some lights were flickering.  It was crazy weird!  After a couple of hours, they finally figured out that a bird had pecked into the breaker box and into a breaker.  Once that was fixed, everything was fine.  We had been able to work all that time, though, because our computers and phones worked...we just had to work with no lights. 

I worked Will Call for the show tonight and they had a problem with the knew P.O.S. (Point of Sale) System and the show was 20 minutes late in starting.  That meant that I worked a 10 hour day today.  Oy vey!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 201: July 20, 2011

What a long day!  I worked at the theater and then went immediately to the Rialto for Industry Night of The Sound of Music.  Only 3 more shows to go!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 200: July 19, 2011

Busy day at work today!  Phones were pretty steady and we did over $8000 worth of business!  Wow!!!

I finally got to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 today (It opened last Friday).  What a great movie!  The end of an era, and what an era it was!

Day 199: July 18, 2011

Sleeping in...what a wonderful thing!  I love it!!!

I worked for a few hours today.  Juliana is out of town with the computer so I was a little limited in what I could do, but I got a fair amount done.  The postcards are organized into piles of 100.  Go me!

I went to Wal-Mart.  I went to the bank.  I went to King Soopers.  Then I went home.  It was SO FREAKING HOT OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We went to the Rockies game last night with the ward.  The Rockies lost, but we still had a good time.  I love going to Coors Field!!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 198: July 17, 2011

I was awakened super early this morning by my stupid neighbor mowing his lawn.  I don't know whether he has crap in his yard that he just runs over or if there is something wrong with his lawn mower.  But every 30 seconds or so there is an AWFUL crunching/grinding sound.  Ugh!!!!

Went to church and then off to the theater.  The show went well tonight.

Dinner/Game night at Craig & Robin's house  Good times!!  And good food!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 197: July 16, 2011

I had to work this afternoon, so that kind of puts a crimp on the day.  Especially when I sleep in until 9:30 am!

The show went well tonight.  For me, anyway.  2 down, 5 to go!

Day 196: July 15, 2011

Opening night of The Sound of Music!!  The show went well!!!  1 down, 6 to go!

I think I might have nerve damage on my tongue.  Or...maybe taste bud damage?   I can't taste certain things.  This is a problem!!!

I got my car back.  $150 to replace the cooler fan on the radiator.  Yowza.

Day 195: July 14, 2011

This week can only get better, right?  RIGHT?!  Well, today wasn't all bad.  Good final dress rehearsal for The Sound of Music.  But my tongue still hurts.  Grrrrrr.......

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 194: July 13, 2011

Well, today pretty much went to crap.  My tongue is still giving me problems.

I headed out around noon and went to work.  My car started overheating again, just like last night, so I took it in to my mechanic.  Who knows how much this repair is going to run me.  Ugh!!!  I have Mom & Dad's car now, but I have to give it back on Friday night because they need it on Saturday morning.

I worked for a few hours this afternoon, but I don't feel good still.  Rehearsal went okay.  I'm ready for this show to be open and then closed.  I'm having fun, but not as much fun as I could since I feel like crap on a stick.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 193: July 12, 2011

Had to go to work today.  Even though it was hard to talk, I still had to sit there and answer the phone.

Dress rehearsal for The Sound of Music went pretty well.  I hope I'm feeling better by the end of the week when we actually have an audience.

My car overheated on the way to rehearsal, but I didn't have time to do anything about it.  Grrrr..

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 192: July 11, 2011

I couldn't hide in my bed all day, so I got up.  Went to work for a few hours in the afternoon.  I can barely talk, which made rehearsal interesting tonight.  Luckily, I don't have that many lines!  And it was just a 1st tech rehearsal, so we didn't even get through the whole show.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 191: July 10, 2011

Well, this day didn't turn out like I planned it.  I was sick and stayed home in bed all day.  The canker sores are back on my tongue (WORST TIMING EVER!!!).

So overall, it was a crappy day.  Grrrrrrr.....

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 190: July 9, 2011

I had to work for a little while this morning.  Not too much, but still work on a Saturday...not my favorite thing! 

I had rehearsal all afternoon.  It was my first full run through of the show (Everyone else's 3rd, since I was gone on Tuesday and Wednesday.)  It went pretty well.  I know my lines, but I'm not 100% comfortable yet with my blocking.  But I'll be fine by next Friday.  I tried on my costume and it looks really great!  I like it a lot!!  Yay!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 189: July 8, 2011

Best news today!!  They announced the site of the Fort Collins temple.  It's going to be at the South east corner of Trilby & Timberline, right across the street from the Trilby building.  Not only is that IN OUR STAKE BOUNDARIES (for now), but it's also TEN MINUTES FROM MY HOUSE!!!!!  I'm so excited!!

Today was a busy day.  Chiropractor, work, worked Will Call, Loveland Loves Barbeque, and then home.  Looooooooooooooooong day!!!  I was on my feet for the last 2 hours of work and then I walked a lot when I was downtown.  My feet HURT!!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 188: July 7, 2011

We left from Peg & Henry's house at 8:30 am.  We immediately got stuck in a massive traffic jam on I-15. It took us 45 minutes to get to I-84, when it normally should have taken like 5.  Turns out that there was a guy trying to jump off a bridge above the interstate in Riverdale.  They shut the road down completely, so traffic just crawled.  When we drove by, we saw the cops trying to talk the guy down!

Once we got onto I-84, we got stuck in more slow traffic, which was a residual effect from the I-15 jam.  Once we finally broke free of that, Amanda drove super fast and we got out of there quick!  It ended up taking us over 8 hours to get home and it normally takes about 7 or so. much time in the car today!!

I finally got home after 6 pm and I had a rehearsal at 7.  I haven't even unpacked my stuff yet.  I don't know that I'll even get to that until Saturday.

Day 187: July 6, 2011

Last 1/2 day on the farm.  We had a great breakfast and got packed up.  We left for Utah around 1:00 pm.  We arrived at Peggy & Henry's house and then we kind of scattered.   Neal & Amanda went to Salt Lake to meet a friend of Neal's from his mission.  Craig, Robin, & the kids went to Salt Lake to visit Robin's aunt.  Shauna and I went to see the show "Civil War" in Centerville.  (Peg & Henry had the tickets for that night and couldn't exchange them, so they gave them to us!)  The show was okay.  I was a little disappointed.  It wasn't as emotionally engaging as I felt it could have been.  The music was good, and one song I really loved.  But overall, it wasn't that great.

I don't like driving in Utah, but I drove Peg & Henry's car to Centerville, because Shauna left her driver's license in her car and it was on it's way to Salt Lake!  But it really wasn't that bad. 

Day 186: July 5, 2011

We got up super early and went to the Twin Falls temple.  Craig and Robin went to the early session and we came over later with the kids and went to the 10:00 am session.  I love being in the temple.  It's a feeling like none other in there!

Next we went over to the Snake River overlook.  Such a beautiful canyon!  Then we went over to Shoshone Falls.  We had a picnic and then went down to look at the falls.  They are huge!  And so pretty!  It was SUPER hot.  I got sunburned on the back of my neck and arms.  Luckily, it doesn't hurt that bad.

We got back to the house and we swam in the yard!  They water the lawn by opening the flood gate from the canal and letting it flood the yard.  We played in the water right where it was coming out.  The kids had a blast!  It was great to sit there in the cool water.  Especially after being so hot that day!!

Misty came about 8:30 or 9 and we ended up staying until 2 talking!  Fun!!  :)

Day 185: July 4, 2011

We arrived at 2J Ranch at 4:00 am!  Looooooong drive!!!!  Mom & Alton were up and waiting for us on the porch!!  We went right to bed and I was up by 8:30 am.  Oi, what a restless night!!!

We went to the Scout breakfast at the church, then came back to the farm.  When we went back for the 4th of July parade.  When we got back, we had a great lunch.  I met one of Dad's cousins on the Olsen side that I've never met before.

My allergies started acting up, so I went inside and ended up falling asleep on the couch.  I slept for about 2 hours and that gave me my 2nd wind for the night.

We had purchased some fireworks in Wyoming and we had a lot of fun setting them off out by the road.  Emily got freaked out a little, but the other kids liked them.

Day 184: July 3, 2011

I taught the lesson in Relief Society today.  It was on President Eyring's talk from the last conference about service and the welfare program.  I turned it around to talk about how helping with the big service projects and helping clean up from natural disasters is great, but finding the little ways to serve every day is just as good.  I think it turned out okay.  I really don't like teaching, but I did the best I could!

We left for Idaho at 6:00 pm.  Looooooong time in the car!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 183: July 2, 2011

Today turned out to be a great day!  It was just chores this morning, but I got my laundry done and my bathroom cleaned.  I was going to clean my room, too, but I didn't feel like it. 

I got to spend the afternoon and evening with Emily.  She is riding to Idaho with us tomorrow night, and everyone else left today.  So we went to see a movie, then out to dinner, then back to Mom & Dad's house and watched another movie!  We had a lot of fun!!

For many reasons, today was great!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 182: July 1, 2011

In case you were wondering, it takes 2 hours & 45 minutes to burn 50 CDs with 18 1/2 minutes worth of music each.  Ugh.  But at least I got paid to do that.

Just another day of working.  This is my life.  Work work work.  I need a vacation!  Good thing I'm going on one, starting Sunday night!!!