Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 243: August 31, 2011

I can't believe that today is the last day of August!  Where has the year gone?!?!

Worked all day.  It was pretty quiet, which makes for a boring day.

Worked for LOT briefly and then headed over to pick up a suitcase for the weekend.  I don't have anything bigger than a backpack, it's kind of hard to pack for a 3 day camping trip.  So I take a suitcase.  Sue me.  I got to see Rebekah's cast.  It's blue, because that's the only color they had.  She really wanted purple.  I got to sign it and she made me draw a person by my name.  So I drew a stick figure with pigtails and wearing a skirt.

Girls Night at IHOP tonight!  Long overdue!  It was great to see everyone!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 242: August 30, 2011

Worked today!  Surprise!!

I read an entire book today.  Haven't done that in awhile.  "The Kiss of a Stranger" by Sarah M. Eden.  Couldn't put it down!  Great book!

The Mount Rushmore/Billings, MT trip the 2nd week of September is off, for Shauna and me at least.  We are now planning something the week of the 25th.  Hopefully, Rushmore/Montana, but we don't know how the weather is then. 

Day 241: August 29, 2011

Work, work, work, work, work.  It's all I do.  I need a break.  That's it for today.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 240: August 28, 2011

I filled in on the organ at church today.  At the risk of never getting the calling again, I have to say that Sacrament Meeting Organist is my favorite calling.

That's about it for the day.  I've been chilling all afternoon.  Being lazy is awesome...sometimes.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day 239: August 27, 2011

This morning I got up early (which I hate doing on Saturday, especially when I was up late the night before!)  I was out the door by 8:30, earlier than I ever leave anymore!  But it was all for a good cause.  I went to Wellington to pick up George and Rebekah.  I was going to take both of them to the Corn Roast today.  Well, Becky fell down the stairs (she was dancing on the stairs!!!) and possibly broke her arm.  So she had to be taken to the doctor.  So, I took George! 

We picked up Mom and headed for the Old Fairgrounds Park.  It was SO HOT THERE!!!!!  But we found some shade and listened to the Loveland High Marching Band play.  Then we heard the girls from Annie Warbucks do a couple of numbers.  Very cute!  Then we braved the crowds in search of food.  We couldn't get George to eat or drink anything, and it was SOOOOOOOO HOT!!!!  So we packed up and headed back to Wellington.

Becky possibly has a hairline fracture on her right arm.  They won't know for sure until Monday when the Radiologist can look at the X-Ray.  But she's got a splint for now.  And the stairs have been declared a "No Dancing Zone".

I'm exhausted tonight!  Being out in the heat really saps your energy!   I've pretty much been laying around every since I got home!  But it was a good, fun day!

Day 238: August 26, 2011

Long day!  I worked by myself in the box office all day.  It wasn't busy, so that wasn't a big deal.  Then I stuck around to eat dinner at the theater and see the final dress rehearsal for Annie Warbucks.  I also took pictures for Shauna.  The food was awesome!  The show is super cute!  I don't know about the pictures.  I hope they turned out alright!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 237: August 25, 2011

I tell people I'm clumsy.  Usually, I'm not really, but I say I am anyway.  Well, today was one of those days when I actually was clumsy.  I was doing my hair in my bathroom, and the bottom drawer (where I keep my blow dryer, curling iron, etc.) was open.  I turned to walk out the door and crashed right into the open drawer with my left shin.  YEEEEE-OUCH!!!!!!  It didn't bleed at first, just a little scratch (and one mother of a bruise), but a little while later it started to bleed a little.  So now I'm sporting a bandage on my leg.  Lovely.  And it still hurts if I bump it.  Ugh.

Worked this afternoon and then spent the evening watching TV and reading.  I lead such a glamorous life.  Not.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 236: August 24, 2011

Another quiet day at the box office.  The phones were slow and there were 2 of us there.  But we played a rousing game of Words with Friends.

Voice lesson....I really need to get my song memorized!  Yikes!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 235: August 23, 2011

Well, today was definitely better than yesterday.  That's for sure.

I worked today.  I was by myself on the phones all afternoon, but it was pretty quiet so it wasn't too bad.

My evening plans fell through (thanks to naughty little children who didn't earn the privilege of going to the farm to pick corn), so I've been home all evening.  I watch the rest of Into the Woods.  Man, I love that musical!!!

Day 234: August 22, 2011

The day started out fine.  I slept in until 9 am!   But once I left the house, everything went down hill.

I got a flat tire on my way from the post office to work.  I had specifically left early so that I could get some stuff done before the staff meeting.  HA!!!  So much for that.  I was trapped on 7th Street, halfway between Lincoln & Madison.

Luckily, my dad came to save me.  He changed my tire.  (Yes, I have been shown how to change a tire, but that was years ago.)  My spare was almost flat, but it was good enough to get me to Discount Tire.  They checked out all of my tires and showed me just how bad they all were.  (2 had been purchased in 2005 and the other 2 in 2007...and they had never been rotated.)  So, $400 and an hour later, I had 4 new tires.  An expense I SOOOOOO didn't need right now.  GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!

Life was not good today.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 233: August 21, 2011

I sang "I Heard Him Come" in church today.  That is such a great song!  I love to sing it.  The words are awesome, the tune is awesome.  It's a good one all around!

We had potluck at church today.  The theme was "Weird or Interesting Foods".  I brought Mexi-Mac.  It was weird making it at 9 am, and I was afraid it wouldn't be as good reheated.  But it turned out okay!

I spent the afternoon finishing my book and catching up on my scrapbooking!  Productive day!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 232: August 20, 2011

I wish I could have slept in this morning, but alas....  Also, I'm tired of waking up at 2 am to take Tums.  Stupid acid reflux.  I hate you.

I was almost late to work today because of a traffic jam on 1-25.  I wasn't on the interstate, but I was on the frontage road (as I always am...that's how I get to work!) and cars were backed up on there, too.  I swear, people get dumber in traffic jams.

Work was pretty uneventful.  Just another day of answering the phones and telling people "I'm sorry, we're sold out tonight.  You should have bought your tickets weeks ago!"  Oh, well...  Big River closes tomorrow and then it's Annie Warbucks time!

Came home and spent the evening cross stitching and scrapbooking.  I always watched Pride and Prejudice.  One of my favorite movies!!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 231: August 19, 2011

I was mainly by myself in the box office again today, with back-up this time (Thanks, Bobbi!).  And of course, the phones were quieter.  So it's wasn't as stressful.  THANK GOODNESS!!!

I got my contract for Scrooge.  I feel so official now!  Yay!!!  I'm trying to write my bio for the program, but it's so difficult to fit a 20 year theatre career into 50-75 words!  What I've got so far covers pretty much every company I've worked with.  I feel that honors them, as it should.  We'll see what I end up with.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 230: August 18, 2011

What a morning!  I was by myself in the box office for the first 2 1/2 hours.  Usually, it's pretty quiet on Thursdays.  Well, NOT TODAY!!!  The phone just kept ringing!  Crazy!!!  Then Jon showed up and the phones quieted down.  Of course.

Rehearsal tonight for the Gala.  I really need to memorize that stuff.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 229: August 17, 2011

We're a little understaffed in the box office this week and next.  Rehearsals are going on for Annie Warbucks and one of our box office people is in the show.  Well, today I had to work for LOT so I wasn't scheduled for the CDP.  I went in anyway from 10 to 12 to help cover the phones.  They are usually the busiest during that time.  Well, NOT TODAY!!!  I ended up answering very few calls. Oh, well!  I'm there by myself tomorrow until 1 (with no back-up) and Friday until 3 (with some back-up).  We'll see how this goes.

Found a great new TV show!  It's an updated version of Sherlock Holmes, courtesy of the BBC.  Love it!

Day 228: August 16, 2011

It really wasn't that exciting of a day.  I worked at the theater and then came home.  I finished watching Season 4 of Psych and now I have to figure out how to get ahold of Season 5 (which isn't available on Netflix Instant) before October when Season 6 starts on TV.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 227: August 15, 2011

Got up a bit early (for a Monday).  Got my laundry done and my car serviced.  Then I worked all afternoon.  I spent the evening parked in front of my computer.  I did cross stitch while watching "Psych".  That is such a funny show!!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 226: August 14, 2011

Church today.  I directed the choir for the last time!  We did "Come Thou  Fount" to the tune of "O My Father".  Turned out really nice!

Dinner at Mom & Dad's.  The missionaries were there, too.  Good times!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 225: August 13, 2011

My day started out SUPER DUPER EARLY!!!  I was out the door by 6:45 am so that I could go to the temple this morning.  I arrived there just a little after 8 and was told I'd have to do the 9 o'clock session.  Well, the 8:30 wasn't as full as they thought, so I got onto that one!  The temple was CRAZY BUSY today, because they are closing until the beginning of October to do some repairs.

My drive to work was less than great.  I got stuck in a massive traffic jam between Longmont and Berthoud.  I was 1/2 an hour late for work!!!

Work was good.  The last two weekends of a show is when everyone decides they need to come, so the phones are usually fairly busy.  Wasn't too bad today, though.  Plus, Emily & Rebekah were there today, so that was fun!  They watched movies on our laptops in Shauna's office until Craig came to pick them up.

I finally saw the cast list for Scrooge!  I'm super excited!  This is going to be a great show!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 224: August 12, 2011

Started out the day by going to the chiropractor.  He couldn't get my neck to move while I was sitting, so he had my lay on the back.  CRACK!!!!  Moved a ton!  I can now lift my right arm all the way up without pain!  I hope this adjustments sticks for awhile, because I haven't felt this good in months!  (Knock on wood!!!)

Work was work.  We are pretty much sold out this weekend and next week probably will be as well.  People are realizing that there isn't much time left to see this fabulous show! 

I got some new headshots taken this afternoon by my friend CJ.  I got to see the raw pictures and there are some good one.  I might actually be photogenic after all!  Huzzah!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 223: August 11, 2011

Just another day of working!  I did Will Call tonight, so I was at the theater until 7:30 pm.  That's a long day!  (Wait until Scrooge...when I'm at the theater for more than 12 hours!!!)

Day 222: August 10, 2011

Today....I worked.  Exciting?  Not really.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 221: August 9, 2011

Today was MUCH better than yesterday.  Went to work this morning.  It was CRAZY BUSY for the first 2 hours.  The phone barely left my ear!!!

Family party tonight!  It was Tyler's birthday, for one, but also Peggy, Henry, Scott, Kathy, Kayla, & Kaitlyn are in town.  We had a great time tonight!!

Kayla and Emily are now best friends and they are going to write letters to each other.  How cute is that? 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 220: August 8, 2011

The day started out crappy.  I woke up with a horrible headache.  I felt sick to my stomach, too.  I ended up staying home all day.  I went back to bed for awhile and then pretty much spent the rest of the day sitting in my desk chair.  I was feeling a little better in the afternoon, so I took a shower.  I was thinking I could try to go up to the mountains as planned.  But I felt so sick and dizzy after my shower that I just stayed here.

The day ended up WONDERFUL!!!!!  I got the call!  I have been cast in Scrooge at the Candlelight!  YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 219: August 7, 2011

This morning I was released from my calling as the choir director of the Twin Peaks Ward.  I've been doing that calling for THREE YEARS!!!!!  It's been fun and stressful all at the same time.  (Christmas was usually the most stressful.)

I got my scrapbooking caught up this afternoon.  Well, as much as I can with the pictures I have.  So, technically, I'm caught up through Ben's blessing day in May.  I ordered some more pictures, though.  Once they are here I will be able to get caught up through The Sound of Music!  Huzzah!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 218: August 6, 2011

Sooooo....I was going to get up really early this morning and go to the temple.  But when my alarm started going off at 5:30 am, I kept hitting snooze and eventually just turned the darn thing off and slept until 8:30 am.  I'm horrible!!!  I need to go to the temple by next Saturday, because then it's going to be closed until the beginning of October!!!!!!

I got more scrapbooking done.  I'm now caught up through January!  Yay!!!

I watched the musical "Memphis" on Netflix Instant tonight.  It won the Tony for Best Musical last year.  What a great musical!  Wonderful music and a story with depth!  You don't get both of those very often anymore with new musicals. 

Day 217: August 5, 2011

Just another day....

I made copies of the music for the Loving Hearts Gala.

I went to work.

I went to the grocery store.

I went home and scrapbooked until bedtime.

I lead such a glamorous life.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 216: August 4, 2011

I got a little bit of cleaning done this morning, as well as one load of laundry.  Then it was off to the park for lunch with Robin & the kidlets.  That's right...I had the DAY OFF!!!!  What IS that?!?! 

Then I took Rebekah to see Winnie the Pooh at the Cinemark.  I had taken just Emily to a movie last month, so now it was Becky's turn.  We had a lot of fun!  After the movie (which is super cute), we went to McDonalds to get some ice cream sundaes.

As I was driving back home, I saw a kid walk across the main street in Wellington wearing a complete bunny costume.  In the middle of the summer.  What?!?!  Weirdest thing I've probably ever seen, and I've seen some weird stuff.

Back at home, I finished cleaning my room.  I still have some stacks of papers to sort through, by my desk is cleaned off enough to start scrapbooking.  And my shoes are all on their rack (at least for now!)

Gala rehearsal went pretty well.  The altos are dropping like flies.  Ugh!!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 215: August 3, 2011

It started out as any normal day.  And then I got a phone call from my bank.  My debit card number had been compromised.  Someone was charging stuff in SPAIN.  So now I have to get a new card.  And I have a bunch of charges that I luckily don't have to pay.  But I'm SUPER grateful for a diligent bank who called me to see if I was traveling in Spain.

Did a little too much shopping after work today.  Whoops!  But I got some cute clothes and some new cross stitch projects.  Then I went to a birthday party dinner at Old Chicago's for  my friend Brad.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 214: August 2, 2011

Just another boring day at work.  Our group sales coordinator likened us to the Maytag repairman today...sitting around waiting for the phone to ring.

Had fun this evening going through music with my friend Mikeal.  We are going to be playing at a gala next month and we need approximately an hour's worth of music. 

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 213: August 1, 2011

I can't believe it's August already.  This year is really flying by!!!!

Went over to my mom & dad's early for breakfast.  The Moffits left today, so we had breakfast before they left! 

Worked all afternoon.  Came home and watched "Morning Glory".  It was okay.  I finished my latest cross stitch project and got most of the French knots right!  Yay!!!!  I discovered that the Henry Awards were on TV, so I had fun watching that and trying to spot people that I know!  I saw a few!