Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 5: January 5, 2011

The Calendar Adventure

Every year I get a new calendar.  Doesn't everyone?  Well, yes, but I always visit the official "Calendar Store" that is only open in November/December/Early January.  Well, delete that "Early January" part.  I was told that the store was at the Foothills Mall and I didn't make it there until today, because I've been sick.  I searched the entire mall and I couldn't find the store anywhere!  I really wanted a Scotland calendar.  But no store, no Scotland calendar.  I did get lots of exercise walking all over the mall.  And I got a great deal at Bath and Body Works.

I ended up at Barnes and Noble.  Their calendar selection was greatly depleted.  I narrowed it down to three choices:  Michael Buble', Eclipse, and Wicked.  I opted for the Wicked calendar. 

I'm happy with the 2011 calendar, but I really wish I would have had a better selection to choose from.  Why was the store gone already?  Not fair!!!!!

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