Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 45: February 14, 2011

The dreaded Valentine's Day.  Nothing is more depressing than being single on Valentine's Day...again and again.

I got 3 Valentines this year.  The first was from Emily.  That came in the mail on Saturday.  She made it herself.  (She's almost 6.)

The 2nd was delivered today.  It was a molten chocolate cake (made by my aunt and uncle) from my parents.  I ate it before noon.  (I ate lunch first.)

The 3rd was an e-mail from my co-worker Bobbi.  It was a Valentine from Madison, her new baby.  Cute pictures of Madison in a little V-Day outfit.

That was it.  And you know what?  I'm good.  The main thing that I don't like about Valentine's Day is that people go over the top to say I Love You.  They really should be saying it all the time.  Then Valentine's Day wouldn't be such a big deal.  But hey, what do I know?  I've only been single for the past 12 years.

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